ICF - Living it out

Supporting Christians in the world of work for over a century

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This week's Prayer Focus

Those whose work involves housing and the housing market: Architects, quantity surveyors and structural engineers; house builders, suppliers of building materials and mobile home manu. . . .

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people working at computers

Professions of Faith

A weekly resource for preachers and worship leaders - exploring how scheduled lectionary readings can be related to the world of work.

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Faith, Work and Christian Discipleship

A series of studies for use in home groups, workplace gatherings and other contexts where people are seeking to explore their understanding of Christian discipleship in the workplace.

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Living Faith in the World of Work

Our 10 Commandments for Christians at work offer a set of values for those who seek to live out their faith at work.

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Praying for the world of work

ICF was delighted to support the prayer space at the 2023 Baptist Assembly. Ongoing industrial unrest risks turning many workplaces in the UK into conflict zones.

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Should Christians Strike?

In an environment of increasing industrial unrest - ICF Chair Phil Jump draws on his own experience as a Trade Union official.

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