Faith Work and Christian Discipleship

This study guide from ICF is designed for use by small groups in churches, homes and workplaces. click here for more details

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Developing prayers for the world of work

Although we include a short prayer each week for the particular aspect of work that is in focus, we hope that individuals and groups might also use this as a resource to develop their own prayers. This page offers some ideas which can either be used as a guide for personal reflection, or as a framework to develop prayers for use in a public context.

Thanksgiving and Affirmation
  • How and where do people in this profession impact your life or the life of society in general? Where does this present opportunities for thanksgiving to God?
  • Some jobs and roles provide a response to crisis and human need. In what ways can we give thanks when we do not need to access these services? How can we give thanks to God for the security and peace of mind that the provision of these services create? Can we express thanksgiving on behalf of those who do benefit from this aspect of work?
  • Are there aspects of the nature of God, the Gospel and the mission of the Church that resonate with this profession or area of work? How does this affect our understanding of it?
  • Are there incidences of this particular profession or area of work within the Biblical narratives? What do these say to us?
Confession and Challenge
  • Are there aspects of this particular area of work which we have taken for granted or about which our Christian identity has caused us to instinctively take a negative view? Does this give cause for confession? In what ways might God want to challenge our attitude?
  • Does society attach particular social stigmas or values to this area of work for which we need to confess? Have we allowed those attitudes to influence our own thinking?
  • Does our need for this particular role in society reflect shortcomings amongst us all that we need to confess?
  • Are there actions we have taken that have been critical or negative towards people engaged in this area of work? Do we need to confess this?
  • Are there issues or attitudes arising from this area of work that, as the people of God, we need to challenge? What is our prophetic role?
  • Are there current issues of which we are aware that particularly impact individuals engaged in this particular area of work? How can we pray about these?
  • Are there recognisable challenges or dangers that are faced by people engaged in this area of work?
  • How can you pray for the clients and other beneficiaries of this area of work?
  • Are there particular issues, challenges or temptations that might confront Christians engaged in this area of work? How can we pray for them?
  • Do you know particular individuals who are engaged in this area of work? What are their needs?
  • Are there individuals with expertise or experience in this area of work who have something to share that can inform our understanding? How could they contribute to the worship and prayers of our church community?
Industrial Christian Fellowship