Those who work in the media
Television and Radio presenters, reporters and newsreaders. Camera and sound operators along with other technical and production staff. Religious Broadcasters and programme makers. Photographers, Graphic Designers, layout and finishing staff, journalists, press-agency staff, illustrators, cartoonists, critics and columnists. Station managers, screen writers, set makers, researchers and sports commentators. Publicists, spin doctors, PR agents and press officers. News vendors, magazine and newspaper editors, newsagents and wholesalers.
All seeing and all knowing God, we live in a world where news and information surrounds us at every turn; at the touch of a button; the flick of a switch; the click of a mouse. News reports have moved nations to bring relief to the suffering, and yet the evening bulletins can leave us dismayed and sickened, as they confront us with the worst of human behaviour.
So we pray for those who work in the media. Where they are exposed to danger, may they know Your protection; when uncovering the worst of reality, may they find strength; when seeking truth that others strive to keep hidden, may they find resolve.
Help us O God to share and receive information responsibly, that we may seek truth and not simply sensation; and not become so numbed by our 24-hour news culture, that we are unmoved by the realities behind the bulletins. Through Jesus Christ our Lord AMEN
Regular prayer for the world of work can be a significant feature in Sunday services. ICF
seeks to provide a variety of resources to help those who prepare these. Prayer of this nature
is important because:
Each week, we highhlight different groups of workers and encourage our members and followers to particularly
pray for people who work in that sector. We also encourage local churches to include regular prayers for the world of work
As you pray, Consider what might be said in the context of thanksgiving, confession and
intercession, both for the workers concerned and for those present.