ICF - Living it out

Supporting Christians in the world of work for over a century

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PLEASE NOTE: Our website is currently undergoing a major re-design, so please bear with us if some of these links take you to old-style pages. We will update them as soon as we can.

This week's Prayer Focus

People who develop and maintain computers and information technology
Software designers, web-site designers, systems analysts, computer hardware manufacturers, keyboard operators, computer-aided. . . .

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10 Commandmnents for those who are serious about living out their faith in the world of work.

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Faith, Work and Christian Discipleship

A series of studies for use in home groups, workplace gatherings and other contexts where people are seeking to explore their understanding of Christian discipleship in the workplace.

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people working at computers

Professions of Faith

A weekly resource for preachers and worship leaders - exploring how scheduled lectionary readings can be related to the world of work.

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